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YMCA is a world Christian movement, with the Paris Basis as its mission: “The Young Men’s Christian Associations seek to unite those young men who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour, according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be His disciples in their faith and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of His Kingdom amongst young men.”
Based on the same mission, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong was established in 1901. The objective and purpose were clearly stated in the Constitution as “the development of Christian character and the cultivation of the Christian spirit of service among young men, in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
As a Christian service organisation, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong is vested with the mission of instilling Christ-like character in the young generations and is committed to developing social services and education ministry in Hong Kong. Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong launched its first education programme in 1918 and continue to nurture our future generation in Hong Kong since then. It currently operates three kindergartens, two primary schools, two secondary schools, and a continuing education college.
Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong is the School Sponsoring Body (SSB) overseeing the operation of the Island Christian Academy since 2012. With the school’s operation returning to the organisation under a new school name – YMCA Christian Academy from 2022/23 school year, its SSB role will be further strengthened with direct management of the school.