YCA’s uniform is an important part of our school’s identify.

The YCA uniforms can be purchased online at the Uniform Station’s website or at their shop.

House t-shirts are available for purchase at the School Office. Please contact office@yca.edu.hk.

Online Store www.yca.ufsonline.com.hk
Hotline (+852) 3612 9552
Customer Hotline (WhatsApp): (+852) 9540 2814
Enquiry Email uniform_info@midasltd-hk.com

Please find their shop details below:

Shop Address 2/F, Will Strong Development Building, 59 Parkes Street, Jordan, Kowloon (Jordan Station Exit C2)
Shop Tel: 2523 2517
Office Tel: 2742 2498
Opening Hours: Mon – Sat: 10.00am – 6.00pm Closed on public holidays