We are thrilled to announce that YCA has officially achieved CIS re-accreditation.

We have received our official evaluation report and this contains a wide range (nearly 90 pages worth) of commendations for things that are going well and recommendations for areas that require improvement. We’re truly proud of the many contributors to this wonderful achievement and I would personally like to recognise the efforts of all staff who worked tirelessly on domain teams and community members who volunteered to take part in various panels and groups in the lead-up to our re-accreditation. A huge special thanks to Mrs. C for being the organising and driving force behind the accreditation process. Congratulations YCA!!!

CIS International Accreditation is a mark of quality assurance and distinction for primary and secondary schools. As an international accrediting body, we enable schools to benchmark the quality and improvement of their educational programmes with leading international practice. Our CIS International Accreditation protocol is based on our CIS Mission, Values, and Code of Ethics, embraces the UN Declaration of Human Rights as a clear statement of moral purpose, and incorporates recommendations from the International Taskforce on Child Protection.